Making Math Happen in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms
September 18, 2009Tricks to Help Linguistically Diverse Children Be Friends
November 18, 200910. National Head Start Office Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center website about Dual Language Learners and their families.
9. NAEYC featured presentation on Friday 11/20/09 at 2:00PM-3:30PM in the Washington Convention Center (Room 146A):Important policy and practice issues affecting young dual-language learners (near the bottom of the page)
8. My NAEYC workshop on Friday 11/20/2009 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: “Making Math Meaningful for Preschool Dual Language Learners”
7. Linda Espinosa’s new book, Getting it Right for Young Children from Diverse Backgrounds
6. Literacy information for bilingual parents at
5. Ana Lomba’s growing website on teaching languages to young children.
4. Teaching Young Children magazine from NAEYC has inset boxes with tips for adapting strategies for dual language learners. Here’s a sample:
3. Many workshops on teaching culturally and linguistically diverse young children at the National Association for the Education of Young Children Conference November 17-21, 2009
2. If you’re going to the NAEYC conference in Washington, DC, come see my workshop at the Gryphon House booth at noon on Thursday 11/19/09. I’ll be discussing and signing my book!
1. My new book, Many Languages, One Classroom: Teaching Dual and English Language Learners published by Gryphon House