Language Castle LLC provides expert resources to enhance any professional development to meet the needs of linguistically diverse programs.
Wait a Year to Assess Preschool DLLs with Disabilities? No! And Here’s Why
Karen NemethI was asked by a district whether it was a good idea to wait for a preschool dual language learner to spend a year in English-only kindergarten before screening or assessing him for possible speech/language...
The D.A.P. Gap: Is Cute the Enemy of Quality?
Karen NemethBy Karen N. Nemeth, Let’s be honest. Worksheets, cookie cutter craft activities, printables, and plastic manipulatives are widely reviled by early childhood education experts, yet they are widely available and often used in preschool and...
Strategies that Work with Multiple Languages – A Resource Collection
Karen Nemethimage by We all know that the appearance of multiple languages and cultures is growing in early childhood education. In the past, children with different languages might have been the responsibility of a specialist...
Fast 5 Gamechangers for Cultural Connections in Early Childhood Education
Karen Nemethimage by We all know the importance of connecting with young children by understanding who they are and what’s important to them. Real cultural connections for DLLs go way beyond plastic food, flags,...
Fast 5 Gamechangers- Preschool Science Learning for DLLs
Karen Nemethimage by Science is a great subject for early learning because it is hands-on and includes language, literacy, math, and other learning domains. But, how can teachers make science learning meaningful for children who...
Naming the New, Inclusive Early Childhood Education: All Teachers Ready for DECAL!
Karen Nemethby Karen N. Nemeth, Ed.M., Pam Brillante, Ed.D., and Leah J. Mullen, M.A. What do we need to see in early childhood education now and in the future? The days of fragmented programs where children...
Ban the “Bears”! We Can Do Better in Preschool!
Karen NemethBy Karen N. Nemeth, Ed.M., author and founder of Language Castle and Pamela Brillante, Ed.D., author and assistant professor of special education You know those colorful, plastic “bears”? We’re sure you do because they are...
Fast 5 Gamechangers that Make Early Ed. Professional Development Stick
Karen NemethThe big question about expensive professional development for early childhood educators is: Will it stick? Will the time and expense result in lasting, meaningful change? Five quick questions can make all the difference. Don’t pay anyone...
Infographic Makes the Case for Including Young DLLs in Everything!
Karen NemethLanguage Castle is giving you this infographic so you can use it for advocacy, reports, grants and policy development in support of dual language learners.
Click the image or here to download the infographic.
U.S.: 1 Country, 2 Language Attitudes – Should All Children be DLLs?
Karen NemethBy Karen N. Nemeth What an interesting week in the news for early childhood language and advocates. News reports revealed the growing trend for families in upscale neighborhoods to pay high fees for language immersion...
New Words, New Friends story for DLLs on Video!
Karen NemethNew Words, New Friends is a story about young children who don’t speak the same language, but their teacher understands about dual language learners and helps them learn strategies to help. Thanks to the dedicated...
Fast 5 Gamechangers that Build Language Quality for DLLs!
Karen Nemethby Karen Nemeth Have you seen the articles focusing on language quality this week? In the New York Times on October 16, 2014 we read about Kathy Hirsh-Pasek’s research in Quality of Words, Not Quantity, Is...

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