Language Castle LLC provides expert resources to enhance any professional development to meet the needs of linguistically diverse programs.
New Kid, New School, New Year, AND New Language: That First Day Really Makes a Difference!
Karen NemethBy Karen Nemeth This post is meant for teachers of all grades who will greet children who speak languages other than English into class this year. I usually focus on preschool, but we gathered a...
Countdown to Preschool with DLLs
Karen Nemethby Karen Nemeth 10. Find out the languages you will have in your class and if you can’t find out for sure – make a good guess based on last year, languages in community etc....
Connecting with Diverse Members of Your Community
Karen Nemeth10. Get to know the diverse languages and cultures represented in your local area and include them in the images and messages you share about your program. You want the members of your community to...
Free eBook on Home Visits for Immigrant Families and Young DLLs
Karen NemethA compilation of Language Castle’s most requested strategies and resources for serving young DLLs and their families when attending a preschool is not the answer. Download the FREE ebook in convenient and portable PDF format here:...
Top Ten Factors for Successful Professional Development!
Karen NemethTop Ten Factors for Successful Professional Development! by Karen Nemeth, Ed.M. A large part of my work is doing professional development about teaching young DLLs and collecting valuable resources here at Language Castle. I’ve traveled...
Designing a Rubric for Preschool Bilingual Apps
Karen NemethI first wrote this in 2012 on the day of the release of the position statement from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Fred Rogers Center (FRC): Technology and...
Strategies for Supporting Dual Language Learners A NAEYC Radio interview with Rae Pica and NAEYC executive director Jerlean Daniel
Karen NemethThe ability to teach dual language learners is becoming increasingly important as our demographics shift across the nation. In this segment, Karen Nemeth addresses common misconceptions about early education for children who speak languages other...
The Meaning of Meaning in Second Language Learning
Karen NemethThe Meaning of Meaning in Second Language Learning By Karen Nemeth This week in my workshops on second language learning we discussed some differences between the language environment of a baby learning L1 and the...
Tips for Translating Materials for Multilingual Preschool
Karen Nemeth10. Say less!! Use this opportunity to pare down to the absolute minimum of messages and words needed to save money and time on multilingual translations. 9. Simplify – Make translation more manageable and help...
A Dozen Myths about Meeting the Language Needs of Young Children
Karen NemethA Dozen Myths about Meeting the Language Needs of Young Children By Karen Nemeth, Ed.M. Today I asked the audience how many of these myths about meeting the language needs of young children they have...
Have You Seen “Driveby Teaching”? It’s Not Good for Dual Language Learners!
Karen Nemethby Karen Nemeth Have you observed an early childhood teacher who does a lot of talking as she moves around, multitasking throughout the day? She’ll call out, “That’s a nice tower! I like how you...
Settling the Bilingual Education Debate on BAM! Radio
Karen NemethTune in to this streaming media presentation of Karen’s discussion with Ellen Bialystok and Rae Pica on BAMRadio here: Settling the Great Bilingual Education Debate! Be sure to spend time at BAM Radio’s excellent website as...
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